KJSHS Student Government Association
Advisor: Mallory Masciarelli
Phone: 480-2011
SGA meets the Saturday after the Grade Meetings.
The purpose of S.G.A is to teach and practice democracy and leadership skills. To provide a setting in which students may express themselves in a structured and appropriate form. To act as a coordinating point for scheduling all class and club events.
KJSHS National Honor Society / National Junior Honor Society
Advisor: Kendra Robinson
Phone: 480-2011
NHS meets the second Friday of each month.
National Honor Society (NHS) recognizes and empowers well-rounded students who meet high academic standards. Each member further develops their leadership and collaborative skills by participating in community service projects and holding community events throughout each academic year.
Tri-M Music Honor Society: High School and Junior High Chapters
Advisor: Kyle Miller and Ashley Wright
Phone: 480-2011
Tri-M meets the third Thursday of each month. The Jr chapter at lunchtime, while the Sr. chapter meets after school.
The Tri-M Music Honor Society is a program of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), which focuses on creating future leaders in music education and music advocacy. Tri-M recognizes Grade 6-12 music students that have gone above and beyond both academically and musically. This organization also provides students leadership opportunities to make a difference in their community through music-based service projects.
KJSHS Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Advisor: Sarah Scott
Phone: 480-2011
FCCLA meets the first Friday of each month to plan activities for the school community.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for students in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education in public and private schools through grade 12. FCCLA offers intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue careers that support families.
KJSHS Kwajalein Coral Crew
Advisor: Matt Gerber and Heather Miller
Phone: 480-2011
The Kwajalein Coral Crew is an organization designed to help monitor and grow the coral reefs of Kwajalein Atoll. The group manages a coral nursery, where coral fragments are grown. The group also manages Stephanie's Reef, which is an artificial reef being established and expanded yearly. Kwajalein Coral Crew gathers data on water temperatures, tracks coral growth and coral bleaching, cleans the nursery, and works to educate the community on coral and reef health. Members can include experienced scuba divers, snorkelers, or people who simply love and care for the marine environment.
Grade 7
Advisor: Becca Hiller and Maria Fernandez
Phone: 480-2011
7th grade class meets on the first Thursday of each month and before or after school as needed.
These meetings occur to plan for events, such as dances and fundraisers. The 7th grade class conducts one fundraiser per year and also helps decorate senior lockers on a quarterly basis, which is a cherished tradition at KHS.
Grade 8
Advisor: Doug Hepler and Jon Jahnke
Phone: 480-2011
8th grade class meets on the first Thursday of each month and before or after school as needed.
These meetings occur to plan for events, such as dances and fundraisers. The 8th grade class conducts one fundraiser per year and organizes Romp, which is a dance for 7th and 8th grade students in the spring.
Grade 9
Advisor: Heather Miller and Nate Rios
Phone: 480-2011
9th grade class meets on the first Thursday of each month and before or after school as needed.
These meetings occur to plan for events, such as dances and fundraisers. The 9th grade class conducts one fundraiser per year, typically the Valentine's candy grams, and organizes the Fall Ball, a dance for all students in grades 7-12 in the fall.
Grade 10
Advisor: Don and Cindy Engen
Phone: 480-2011
10th grade class meets on the first Thursday of each month and before or after school as needed.
These meetings occur to plan for events, such as dances and fundraisers. The 10th grade class conducts one fundraiser per year, Tie-Dyeing of T-shirts, and also organizes the Winter Ball, which is a dance for 9th-12 grade students in January.
Grade 11
Advisor: Tori Rios, Tom and Whitney Sorensen
Phone: 480-2011
11th grade class meets on the first Thursday of each month and before or after school as needed.
These meetings occur to plan for events, such as dances and fundraisers. The 11th grade class conducts one fundraiser per year, including food sales at holiday events, and also organizes the Prom, which is a dance for 9th-12th grade students in the Spring.
Grade 12
Advisor: Barb Bicanich, Lauren Wallach and Mindi Gerber
Phone: 480-2011
12th grade class meets on the first Thursday of each month and before or after school as needed.
These meetings occur to plan for events, such as dances and fundraisers. The 12th grade class conducts fundraisers, such as the classic holiday movie watch party for the community, and also serves in a variety of functions, such as passing out candy during an event welcoming Santa to island, volunteering at the annual elementary Bike Rodeo, and other events to celebrate their final year at KHS. The year culminates in a school organized senior picnic and the Graduation Ceremony.
There are Senior Mentor/Homeroom activities scheduled three times a month to better help prepare the students for their life away from Kwajalein.
Kwajalein Junior Senior High School Band
Advisor: Kyle Miller
Class Link: Click here
Phone: 480-2011
Band meets daily during the regular school day or immediately after school.
Being in band has lots of hidden benefits!
"Playing a musical instrument is the brain's equivalent of a full body workout."
KJSHS Pacific Research Organization
Advisor: Matt Gerber
Club Link: Click here
Phone: 480-2011
Our research is designed to be simple and effective. We are going to carry out our projects annually to gather evidence of our Ocean's health. Read about our projects here.
One of our goals is to create partnerships! We envision a network of researchers replicating simple research projects to gather data. Click here to partner with us.
We want to make a difference. We would like to establish facilities throughout the Pacific dedicated to research. We want to work with companies to develop sustainable solutions that reduce waste. Read about our goals here.
Konono Creative Arts Magazine
Advisor: Whitney Sorensen
Magazine Link: Click here
Phone: 480-2011
Kōnono Creative Arts Magazine is a digital and print magazine featuring creative work by students, primarily in the genres of short story, poetry, visual art, sculpture, literary criticism, research/scholarship, memoir, music, film, and works in translation. Kōnono Mag is run by an editorial staff made up of the Creative Writing students at KJSHS (other students not in Creative Writing are also welcome to apply for a position on the editorial staff) and meets during 3rd period. Kōnono's mission is as follows: Kōnono, a Marshallese word, means to express opinions, thoughts, and voices. It’s a strong way to speak your mind. We take pride in our island's diversity and wish to share that with you through our art and writing. We’ve built our foundations on a sea of voices, the emotions and opinions of our fellow peers (so the foundations may be a bit wobbly. Where else were we supposed to build?) and hope to share their deepest thoughts and contemplations. This is our goal for the students of KJSHS. We may be a small school but our words are powerful. Our creative arts magazine has a mixed-grade student-run editorial team made out of the Creative Writing class. Our imaginations are boundless (we hope).
GSES Student Council
Advisor: Krissy Behrends, Christy Johnson and Lauren Wallach
Phone: 480-3601
Student Council meets monthly during the lunch break.
Our GSES Student Council organization represents 4th-6th grade students. Student Council Representatives plan and participate in exciting after school events, service projects, and
spirit day. Our activities revolve around our Three Pillars: Service, Social, Fund Development. This organization enjoys opportunities to develop leadership and team building skills within our K-6 school setting.
GSES Robotics
Advisor: Jon Jahnke
Phone: 480-2011 or 480-3601
GSES Robotics meets afterschool on Thursdays in the STEM lab at GSES.
Robotics at GSES uses material from the First Lego League Robotics Competition. Students work together to design, build, and program Lego SPIKE Prime robots. Students gain real-world problem-solving experience as they collaborate in getting their robot to complete a number of challenges. GSES Robotics is supported on Kwajalein by MIT Lincoln Lab.
Advisor: Ashley Wright
Phone: 480-3601
The Upper Elementary Advanced Vocal Ensemble (AVE) is an extracurricular ensemble that initially took shape in 2020, driven organically by the interest of the older elementary students. This ensemble is open to students G4-G6 by audition. Interested students sign up to audition, and auditions occur once each Spring semester. As the name implies, it is a highly selective, small and specialized ensemble for vocalists who can perform at a very high level.
This group rehearses once a week and historically performs at each semester's general music concert, with additional performances as the ensemble has developed over the years. AVE was sought by Ebeye Public School System to perform at this year's first Music In Our Schools Month collaborative performance on March 3. The group has gained notoriety in our shared community for their talented voices and added dimension to the KSS music program.